Friday, December 08, 2006

Should I

Should I?
Actually start some work today
Spend time that I really shouldn't, chilling, reading and blog hopping.

Should I?
Stick with the origional blogger
Change to the blogger in beta

Should I?
Stay in all day tomorrow and attempt to do some work, when really I'll probably end up procrastinating as usual
Spend the day shopping in Manchester.



Anonymous said...

Do some work sometime then you can reward yourself for it and go shopping!
Just say no to beta! I switched and I hate it!

Anonymous said...

i have had no trouble with blogger beta, but i hear so many people have had. work a bit, play a bit, but relax most of all. that is what i plan to do today. enjoy your friday. poet

Anonymous said...

you SHOULD do some work...because that's what i'm doing and i don't think i should be the only one with my head stuck in the books!...

so there!...the oracle had spoken!



High Maintenance Femme said...

you'll all be pleased to know I did actually do some work :)

Anonymous said...

Utterly agree with the "No to Beta!" bloggers - it's a right royal pain in the ovaries... Atom feed is always on the blink too...

Glad you got some work done, though... wish I could say the same *grin*